Friday, 25 March 2016

To atheists - its not a holy war

When Mansur Al – Hallaj was accused of blasphemy for his dav – e – ana’l – haq, the then caliph or Khalifa-ut-allah, the representative of Allah on earth told him, “My friend, you know I’m also an atheist but unlike you, I don’t go around shouting it”. Mansur then told him, “My lord, I’m nothing but truth”
As it is apparent, Al – Hallaj was not persecuted for his disbelief but because he was not being a hypocrite.
People believe that atheism is a doctrine opposed to religion. This is a completely false belief, not only atheism is a part and parcel of many organized religion, say Jainism but also much atheist organization functions very similar to missionary religions.
Vinayak Damodar Rao Savarkar, the Veer S was a vocal atheist. He used to denounce theism from the podium of Hindu Mahasabha. His Hindutva, an essentially atheistic system would win him admiration from deeply communal people.
The Kayade azam of our beloved neighbor, Md. Ali Jinnah was no Namazi either. What he created is a nightmare for humanity, but nothing more than that. On the other hand, there was Badshah Khan, the panch waqt ka namazi, the epitome of non-violence and secularism.
So why did our fringe elements choose to follow atheists or suited mullahs? How did these atheist nationalist and modern looking Muslims end up heading sectarian trifles?
The answer is simple. These people talked in the same voice of sectarianism notwithstanding their beliefs. So what RSS is full of atheist, it is an integral part of Sanatan Dharma. Why not Muslims accept rioting atheists, aren’t they ‘a quarter’ Muslim saying ‘La illahe’ all the time.
People who are an atheist need to understand that atheism does not make anyone any more rational, humanist or secular than anyone else. It just makes you correct on one simple fact. Period.
It is true that atheists who lead religious group are dangerous. The danger is, most of them are not honest like Veer S but are the modern Caliphs. But even good hearted Atheists are dangerous, if not to themselves, then to society. One thing that they get right, gives them the false belief that they are right about everything. They will get drunk of a social issue, and will always try to be the cause of dharma chakka parivartana, become the messiah, the last Rasool of no Allah. Most of the time they do not have an iota of idea what is going on with the society.
Atheists need to open their mind about how they see the world. It is not an Atheist = rational = irreligion = left = communist equation and just because you have realized the fact of common sense that the creationism is a wonderful fable and nothing more than that, you don’t have to associate yourself to any of these extremes.
Atheist need to make a choice, they could not hold on to communism or left or Buddhism because they are essentially atheistic. You have to see the regression, terrorism, and superstition in them. You have to recognize the progress in capitalism, the logic, and realism in theistic Nyaya and non-sectarianism of bhakti giants.
Atheism is not holy. It does not belong to anyone. No one should own it or sell it. It should not be a community. It is a plain fact. Congratulation if you know that fact and move on to make your life something more than just about this.