This is not even a word, superstitionisation, but it is happening. Let me give you an example.
Q. Why do we touch elder's feet?
A. When we touch elder's feet and he touches our head. This completes a circuit and positive energy flows from touched to toucher.
What is this? It is superstitionization of Indian tradition, in which a simple mark of Honor or respect, the touching of elder's feet is explained in scientific jargons having no proper scientific validity. So it changes a simple tradition of showing respect to a pseudo-science and is debunked in due time.
Why not a more traditional way of explaining it, saying it is just the way we do it. Why do we need to explain our Namaste, Pranam etc in such ridiculous way?
It would be difficult to debunk things which are done just for the sake of doing it. How would you debunk handshake or adab? But once it is explained away with neo-science it becomes falsifiable.
Naive Indians fall for that, filled with the inferiority complex. Not realizing that this way any tradition could be finished off easily.
What do you have to say about this?